– simple, smart bots that empower the disadvantaged
I believe that simple, well-designed applications can significantly improve the quality of life for disadvantaged individuals and groups.
In my current design research I explore new value propositions for Chat and Voice interfaces.
To test my ideas, I design and build experimental bots in my design practice, and in my educational practice at AUAS. With the things I learn, I create products and ventures that empower the disadvantaged.
Research Projects
Consus Machine
Money Tree
About me
yuri [at] • My profile on LinkedIn
I’m an independent creative and I usually work as a Digital Product Designer.
I’m frequently hired as a hands-on consultant for Reseach & Development, Product Strategy and Design Thinking. I usually work in a senior-level position in UX, IA, UI or VD.
I have a BA in Publishing and an MA in Design. I built my first website in 1994 and spent my entire career as a creative in the internet industry. I have over twenty-five years of solid experience in the design and production of interactive products for leading Dutch brands.
In the past, I co- founded the ridesharing app Toogethr and the cloud-based service andSafety.
Next to my design business, I teach design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.